Being in the No-thingnessA deeper surrender, a deeper sense of trust. This is where we embrace the magic, mystery, and miracles. Explore your world as a little...
Living the MysteryThe journey shifts from embracing magic to living in complete trust as I move from Ireland to France. The mystery teaches me trust in the...
Embrace the Magic WithinThis video is about my journey of allowing myself to embrace the magic within. Transforming my beliefs of lack into experiences of...
The AbyssIt's not as bad as it may sound but, it certainly feels like an abyss. The preparation is over, I have arrived at my starting point. My...
The ChoiceHow did I make the decision? How did I know? What made me want to give up what I had established and change my life into a nomadic...
Courage to JourneyI have chosen to blog about my journey to help encourage others who may be considering changing there life pattern into a more free...